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10 Recreational Activities That Are Off-Limits To Obese People

January 24, 2023

10 Recreational Activities That Are Off-Limits To Obese People

Being overweight or obese can make it difficult to engage in activities that are otherwise fun and enjoyable. From amusement park rides to shopping, there are some recreational activities that may be off-limits to those with a higher BMI. In this article, we look at 10 of these activities, and explore why they may not be suitable for everyone.


There are many recreational activities that obese people are not able to participate in due to their weight. Here are some of the most common ones:

1. Swimming

Most public pools have weight restrictions for their swimmers, and obese people often exceed these limits. This means that they are not able to enjoy this recreational activity like everyone else.

2. Hiking

Hiking can be a great form of exercise, but it is often too difficult for obese people to do because of the uneven terrain and the need to carry extra weight.

3. Dancing

Dancing requires a lot of movement and energy, which can be tough for obese people who are carrying around extra weight. They may also find it difficult to find clothes that fit properly and look good while they are dancing.

4. Sports

Obese people often cannot participate in sports because they cannot meet the physical requirements or they may be at risk for injuries. This is especially true for contact sports such as football or hockey where there is a lot of physical contact between players.

Types of Activities That Are Off-Limits

There are a number of activities that obese people are advised to avoid, due to the increased risk of injury. These include contact sports such as football and rugby, as well as high-impact activities such as running and jumping.

Other activities to be avoided include any that require a significant amount of time spent standing or sitting in one position, such as golf or tennis. This is because obesity can lead to circulation problems and increase the risk of developing varicose veins.

Finally, obese people should also avoid any activity that puts them at risk of heat exhaustion or dehydration, such as hiking in hot weather or spending extended periods in a sauna.

– Water Sports

There are a number of water sports that obese people are unable to participate in due to their weight and size. These include swimming, surfing, kayaking, canoeing, and windsurfing. While some of these activities may be possible for obese people with the help of special equipment or training, they are generally not able to participate in them on the same level as people of average weight. This can be frustrating for obese people who enjoy spending time in the water or who want to get active and improve their fitness. However, there are a number of other recreational activities that obese people can enjoy.

– Contact Sports

There are a number of recreational activities that obese people are often excluded from participating in. One such activity is contact sports. Contact sports, by their very nature, can be dangerous for obese people. The increased size and weight of an obese person can make them more susceptible to injuries, and the impact of collisions can be more damaging. For these reasons, many contact sports leagues will not allow obese people to participate. Some examples of contact sports that typically exclude obese people are football, rugby, and mixed martial arts.

While it is understandable that obese people may not be able to participate in some activities due to safety concerns, it can still be frustrating for those who enjoy these activities and want to stay active. There are a few options available for obese people who want to participate in contact sports. One option is to find a league or organization that specifically caters to obese individuals. Another option is to engage in non-contact versions of contact sports, such as flag football or touch rugby. Finally, some obese people choose to lose weight so that they can participate in traditional contact sports leagues.

– Adventure Sports

There are many recreational activities that are off-limits to obese people. One of the most popular adventure sports, rock climbing, is inaccessible to many obese people due to the fact that they cannot fit into harnesses. Other sports such as skiing and skateboarding are also difficult for obese people due to the fact that they require a lot of physical activity.

In addition, many obese people suffer from joint problems which make it difficult for them to participate in activities such as hiking and biking. Many theme parks also have weight restrictions on their rides, meaning that obese people are often unable to enjoy them.

While it is understandable that some activities may be off-limits to obese people, it is important to remember that there are still plenty of recreational activities that they can enjoy. Swimming, walking, and golf are all great exercise options for obese people. There are also many outdoor activities that don’t require a lot of physical activity, such as bird watching and picnicking.

– Amusement Park Rides

There are a number of amusement park rides that are off-limits to obese people. These include:

– The Ferris wheel
– The roller coaster
– The log flume
– The bumper cars
– The haunted house ride

These rides have weight restrictions for a reason – they are not designed to accommodate people of larger sizes. This can pose a safety risk both for the individual and for other riders.

If you are an obese individual, it is important to be aware of these weight restrictions before you attempt to ride any of these amusement park rides. Attempting to do so could result in serious injury.

– Air Travel

Air travel can be a daunting experience for obese people. Not only do they have to deal with the physical challenges of getting through security and boarding the plane, but they also have to contend with the stares and judgment of their fellow passengers.

Here are a few tips to make air travel less stressful for obese people:

– Book a window seat: This will give you some extra space to stretch out and make yourself comfortable.

– Wear loose, comfortable clothing: You don’t want to be fidgeting and adjusting your clothes throughout the flight.

– Bring your own snacks and drinks: Airlines often skimp on food and drink options for obese passengers, so it’s best to come prepared.

– Avoid sitting next to someone who is sick: The last thing you need is to catch a cold or flu during your travels.

With a little advance planning, obese people can make air travel a more pleasant experience.

– Shopping at Discount Stores

Shopping at discount stores can be a great way to save money, but it can also be a minefield for the obese. Many stores have narrow aisles and racks that are difficult to maneuver, and some even have weight limits on clothing items. Here are some tips for shopping at discount stores as an obese person:

– Shop online instead. Many stores now offer the same discounts online as they do in-store, so you can avoid the crowds and the tight spaces.

– If you must shop in-store, go during off-peak hours when the store is less crowded. This will give you more room to move around and avoid getting bumped into by other shoppers.

– Look for sales or clearance items near the back of the store, where there is usually more space. This way you can avoid having to squeeze through packed racks of clothes.

– Try on clothing items in a larger size than you normally wear. Discount stores often have limited sizes available, so it’s better to err on the side of too big rather than too small.

– Dance Classes

There are many recreational activities that obese people are unable to participate in. One of these is dance classes. While many obese people enjoy dancing, they are often unable to join mainstream dance classes due to their size and weight. This can be a frustrating experience, as dance classes can be a great way to get some exercise and have fun at the same time.

There are a few reasons why obese people may not be able to participate in dance classes. First, many dance studios have weight limits for their floors and equipment. This is to ensure that the floors can handle the impact of heavy dancers, and that the equipment is not damaged by heavier dancers. Second, most dance classes require students to wear form-fitting clothing, which can be difficult or impossible for obese people to find in their size. Finally, many dances require participants to lift their legs high off the ground or move quickly, which can be difficult or impossible for obese people with mobility issues.

While it can be disappointing to be excluded from mainstream dance classes, there are still plenty of ways for obese people to enjoy dancing. There are a number of studios that offer specialized dance classes for overweight individuals, or private lessons where students can learn at their own pace. In addition, there are online resources and DVDs available that allow obese people to learn different dances in the comfort of their own homes.

Why are These Activities Off-Limits?

There are a number of reasons why obese people may be advised to avoid certain recreational activities. First and foremost, being obese puts one at a higher risk for a number of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Additionally, carrying around extra weight can put strain on the joints, which can lead to pain and injuries. Finally, many recreational activities require participants to be able to move quickly and/or be agile, neither of which is easy for someone who is obese.

Alternative Recreational Activities for Obese People

There are a number of alternative recreational activities for obese people that don’t involve putting stress on their joints or participating in high-impact activities. Swimming is a great option for obese people, as it’s a low-impact activity that provides a full-body workout. Other good options include walking, biking, and water aerobics.

Obese people should avoid activities that are high-impact or put stress on their joints, such as running, tennis, and basketball. They should also avoid activities that require them to be in an upright position for extended periods of time, such as golf and horseback riding.

– Swimming Lessons & Pool Therapy/Aqua Aerob

There are plenty of recreational activities that obese people can enjoy. However, swimming lessons and pool therapy/aqua aerobics are not recommended for obese individuals. Here’s why:

Swimming Lessons:

The main reason why swimming lessons are not recommended for obese people is because of the physical exertion required. Swimming is a great workout for everyone, but it can be especially tough on obese people. It’s important to remember that when you’re overweight, your body has to work harder to move through the water. This can lead to fatigue and even pain in the joints. In addition, many swimming pools have shallow areas that may not be suitable for obese people.

Pool Therapy/Aqua Aerobics:

Like swimming lessons, pool therapy or aqua aerobics classes are also not recommended for obese people. This is because these activities usually involve a lot of movement and jumping, which can be difficult for obese individuals. In addition, many pool therapy/aqua aerobics classes take place in small pools that may not be able to accommodate an obese person’s size.


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