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What can we expect after weight loss surgery? 2021

January 11, 2021

What can we expect after weight loss surgery?

Weight loss

This is totally relative. The weight loss of a patient is totally dependent on the amount of weight they had before surgery. The standard loss range can be anywhere from 25% to 70%.

After a patient undergoes Gastric Sleeve surgery, they can lose up to 30% of weight in the first three months. But this does not happen only due to the surgery but also influences a process of changing habits in lifestyle and especially in the diet. The support of loved ones is also crucial to the recovery and effectiveness of the Manga.

At six months, there are patients who experience a loss of 50% and in a year it can be 70%. This is observed only in patients who have implemented a good diet in their lives and are concerned not about eating a lot but about consuming the necessary energy load that will help them maintain their ideal weight and have a healthy outlook.

Various testimonies indicate that after the first year, weight losses can continue to be seen, although they are usually not as drastic as those of the first year. At two years, there are testimonies of patients who have lost 65% and at 5 years up to 65% of their weight. But everything is a teamwork between the gastric sleeve and the new eating habits.

Recovery time

Now, we are going to answer your question in depth. When you decide to have a gastric sleeve operation, it may only last a day and a half in the clinic. Maximum three days if you have a condition such as hypertension, for example. This is the time required because, although it is a major weight loss surgery, the procedure is so safe that it can be considered outpatient.

It still carries its risks, but if you do it in a trusted clinic with a recognized surgeon, you will see how everything will go very well. After this day and a half in the clinic, you will have to spend at least 7 days in bed taking rest. It should be 7 or 8 days minimum since taking fewer days off can cause your body to not follow the normal pattern.

On the other hand, at seven days you can return to your normal activities, but only those that are light and after two weeks you can return to work. Gastric sleeve recovery takes about six weeks for you to say that you are 100% recovered.

After four to six weeks, most Gastric Sleeve patients return to normal life with noticeable weight loss for anyone around them. What is recommended is to avoid lifting heavy objects to avoid any type of accident.

Among all the other weight loss procedures, the gastric sleeve is one of the ones that require the least recovery time. You see, after about 3 or 4 hours after leaving the operating room, the patient will be able to walk on their own without any problem. This is understood as that the patient is independent the same day of the surgery. It is also recommended that you keep relative rest and not be subjected to strong physical efforts or situations that represent a danger.

Later symptoms

Although patients follow the instructions, they may experience some symptoms after surgery. Some may be:

  • Constipation: After the surgery, it may be difficult to evacuate but taking a stool softener in the first month after the operation and with a diet rich in fiber and fluids, can improve symptoms.
  • Dumping Syndrome: this is very unlikely to happen, but if it does, soda or fruit juices can help reduce vomiting and nausea.
  • Weakness: After surgery, the patient should try to maintain a good mood, follow the indicated diet to avoid having both physical and mental weakness. Being with your loved ones and seeing that you receive support works a lot.

Other types of discomfort that you may experience are nausea, a sensation of pressure in the upper abdomen and lower chest, and pain in the left part of the abdomen below the ribs, these discomforts usually last between 5 and 24 hours and they are perfectly controllable with the help of medications.

Advantages of the gastric manga over the gastric bypass

Diet and Nutrition

Now that you have a smaller stomach, it is time to make a change in your diet. Upon exiting surgery, you should be on a liquid diet for at least 10 days. You can drink tea and juices and lots and lots of water. After a few hours, you can have chicken or vegetable soup and maintain your water intake.

From days 11 to 20, you can start eating purees and creams and drink water within 30 minutes of finishing the meal. You can also consume fruits and yogurt. Later, you can eat salads and fresh food such as fruit or fish salads and more complete soups. This during days 21 to 30.

After attending the consultation, your doctor should tell you when you can start eating more solid foods. Some of the recommendations for a diet after one month of recovery are:

  • Proteins: Your body requires at least 80g of protein a day, eat lean meats, fish, nuts …
  • Avoid carbohydrates and sugary foods: Try to eat more fiber such as rice or whole wheat bread, so you can feel full and regulate your bowel movements.
  • Vitamin Supplements: It is recommended to consume supplements that contain iron, vitamin B12, folate, calcium, and vitamin D since this way the nutrients can be better absorbed after surgery.
  • Stay Hydrated: Patients after having Gastric Sleeve done should consume at least 8 cups of water a day. This helps the food pass quickly through the stomach and there are no problems with digestion. It is good to drink a little water every 15 or 20 minutes to keep everything in order.

What can we expect after weight loss surgery?

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Jamie and Chris shares her experience with the #teamPasten ✨ If you are interested in weight loss surgery, send us an email or give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions 😊 ☎️ (619) 493-9457 ☎️ 1(833)375-3383

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